
I put ball pythons together in last weekend. First it was Amoretti and Pewter, and Amoretti knew exactly why he was in there from the very first minute he was put in to females cage. So in the next day I saw they were locked up together. I really wish that especially this pairing goes well. Wouldn’t really mind seeing and keeping some Cinnamon Amorettis 😉

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On Sunday it was Het Red Axanthics and Butter Ghosts turn. HRA really wasn’t in the mood, so I took him away on Tuesday and put Amoretti to replace him. It didn’t take many hours until I saw first lock, and later at night another. Butter was much more willing to share than Pewter 😉

I’m so excited of this. I really hope these go well.

First post!

So, I decided to start a blog.. This blog is about my passion; reptiles.

First little bit about myself; I’m 29 years old woman, living in a Western coast of Finland. 15 years ago I got my first lizard, a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) named Lintti. In the end of 2001 I got second, tokay gecko (Gecko gekko) named Speedy, and I was hooked. In these years has been several species, ups and downs and one time out of the hobby. But now I’m ”stronger than ever” 😉 and keeping quite a few different species mainly from genuses Varanus, Python, Nephrurus and Phelsuma. My latest obsession is ball pythons (Python regius) and their morphs. There is just so many opportunities and variations with them. Even when at first I couldn’t care less about them.

So, after all these years I’m finally at the point of breeding reptiles. I have several species in breeding program but in the end of the year, we will see what came out, if any. Phelsuma cf modestas have lived together for a month or so. I have group of 1.2 of them. It’s a tiny day gecko specie Madagascar, and I was fortuned enough to purchase this group from last Septembers Terraristika Hamm. Million thanks to Petr Bogusch and Thomas Hofmann of this beautiful little geckos. I have not witnessed any matings, so fingers crossed that it will happen, if it’s not already happened.

Just look at the male. It’s absolutely handsome little fellow! You also can see part of the female in the back. Females are not so brightly coloured as the males, but I guess that’s womens part 😉 This is magnificent little specie, approx. 8-10cm in total lenght. Brave and beautiful small fellows, unlike Phelsuma borbonica sp for example which prefer to hide when they see you. Only ”fault” is their tiny size. I’m super nervous when working with these tiny missiles in terrarium. Not even my Crotalus cerberus keeps me so focused as these do. Lucky these are more calm than approx same sized Phelsuma pasteuri. I lost my one Ph. pasteuri when closing terrarium doors. In one second he was in the back of terrarium, and in another crushed between doors while closing them.. 🙁

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I also put my pair of Varanus kingorum together within in a few weeks. I bought the wildtype male in September, and he has been in quarantine for last 3 months. Leucistic female is now 3 years of age, and came as a little baby from Germany. Female called Kinkku is my favourite animal of all. She’s just amazing and little bit hilarious character, and I think I have very special bond with her. Can’t wait to see her babies someday! I was planning to put them together in December but she started to lay infertile eggs in the end of November, so had to defer it.

And then, The Ball Pythons. I bought many balls in December from Europe. Most of them are still babies or yearlings but some of them are already adults. I have 2 adult females, Butter Ghost and Pewter, and within a week I put the males to visit them. My plans are Het Red Axanthic het Ghost x Butter Ghost and Amoretti x Pewter. High hopes but we’ll see what is the result. Ball pythons are fairly new specie to me, and I bought a lot of them in fairly short period of time, so maybe breeding them already isn’t the best choice but you got to try and hopefully be smarter next time. That’s one of the best parts as well when you are working with animals; All you can do is take care of the animals as best you can but in the end the nature decides for example how breeding them goes.

Big plans but I must put my fate to the hands of lady Fortuna 😉

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